Sunday, March 24, 2013

Welcome to History's Crucible!
In the 1980s while we were grad­u­ate stu­dents at Emory Uni­ver­sity in Atlanta, Geor­gia, we often shared apart­ments in France, a prac­tice that our com­pat­i­bil­ity and friend­ship led us to con­tinue through the 1990s and to the present day.  While most Amer­i­can grad­u­ate stu­dents of that gen­er­a­tion tended to stay in Paris, we were a bit unusual in that we chose to work in the provinces, Gayle in Nor­mandy, land of cows and hard cider, and Annette, really, all over France, espe­cially in Picardy, Langue­doc, and the Loire Val­ley.

1 comment:

  1. Now that our account is live, we will be blogging regularly to keep everyone updated on our progress and to talk about history, mystery, and France!
